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Buried Penis Treatment in India

Buried Penis, Concealed penis, Hidden penis: Causes, Symptoms, Surgery Treatment cost in Top Hospital Delhi Mumbai Chennai IndiaWhat is Buried Penis?

Buried Penis syndrome, also known as ‘concealed penis’, is a condition where the penis is inadequately exposed. It barely protrudes from the abdominal wall. The degree of concealment varies along with the cause for this condition.

Buried Penis may be the result of ‘baby fat’ covering the child’s pubic bone, loose attachment in the skin at the base of the penis, additional skin left after circumcision or skin tissue attaching the scrotum to the penile shaft, and other similar abnormalities.

However in most children, the condition may result from another disorder as well.

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What Causes Buried Penis?

This condition may be a congenital (birth) defect in some children which results in limited development of the penis which restricts it from being extended completely.
At other times, a permanent layer of fatty tissue can also conceal the penis. It can also happen after an incorrect circumcision procedure.

This condition is most common in infants and toddlers, while it may be seen in older children and obese adolescents as well.

How is Buried Penis Diagnosed?

A routine physical exam can help to diagnose Buried Penis syndrome. In case the penis is extendable through manual manipulation then the doctor will mostly advise simple management techniques to correct the condition.

In some cases, surgery may be required where extensive correction is required. Both these treatment methods work effectively when performed by expert surgeons in India.

The patient is able to recover from the surgical treatment with no risks of complications.

How is Buried Penis Treated?

In certain cases, the condition improves on its own without the need for surgical treatment. In other cases, corrective measures need to be taken to ensure a normal appearance and function in the penis.

An expert pediatric urologist should be ideally consulted by the parents who can help them understand the condition and its treatment in detail. The type of treatment mainly depends on the specific symptoms of the condition.

What is Scrotal Lymphedema?

Scrotal lymphedema is a buildup of fluid that causes swelling in the soft tissues of the genital area. It is caused by a blockage or damage to the lymph system, which is the system that helps to remove waste and toxins from the body.

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How is surgery for buried penis and scrotal lymphedema done?

Surgery for buried penis and scrotal lymphedema is a complicated process. It is done after other less invasive treatments have been tried. These include weight loss in obese adult males or compression strategies for lymphedema. Surgery is often done by a team including both a urologist and plastic surgeon.

The surgery is done under general anesthesia and usually requires a hospital stay of three to five days. In overweight adult males, it may also include a procedure to remove fatty abdominal tissue.

The surgery usually begins with a catheter (thin, flexible tube) being inserted into the urethra to stabilize the penis and protect the urethra (tube that caries urine out of the body). The shaft of the penis is then separated from surrounding tissues. Infected or scarred tissue is removed at this point. Surgery can involve:

  • Detaching the ligament that attaches the base of the penis to the pubic bone

  • Suction lipectomy, or the removal of fat cells using surgical suction catheters inserted through tiny incisions

  • Panniculectomy, or the removal of the pannus (excess skin and fatty tissue that hangs down over the genitals and/or thighs)

  • Escutheonectomy, or the removal of the fat pad above the pubic area

Skin grafts are then done, if needed, to cover the penile shaft that has been separated from surrounding tissues. Skin for the graft is usually taken from the patient’s thigh. In patients with buried penis caused by scrotal lymphedema, skin grafts also may be needed. However, there is usually enough uninvolved skin to rebuild the scrotum without grafting.

What happens after surgery for buried penis or scrotal lymphedema?

A course of antibiotics is usually prescribed for a week, sometimes longer. Most patients are able to go home three or four days after surgery, but must return for a graft check and catheter removal after a week. Patients are followed up as outpatients within four to six weeks. Patients need checkups with a health care provider for at least a year.

What are the risks of surgery for buried penis or lymphedema?

Surgery for buried penis and lymphedema is often successful, with little to no reoccurrence of the condition. Most males who have had surgery for buried penis or lymphedema have normal urination and sensation in the genital area after surgery. However, possible complications include:

  • Swelling of the penis

  • Painful erections

  • Less sensitivity in the genital area

  • Poorly healed skin grafts

If you notice any of these symptoms in your child or yourself, talk to your healthcare provider.

To Get Free Quotes & Consultation For This Treatment in India

Call us at : +91 73876 16793

WhatsApp : +91 73876 16793

Email us : [email protected]



Scrotal Lymphedema Surgery in India, Hidden penis, Concealed penis, Buried Penis Surgery in India, Buried Penis Treatment in India, Buried Penis Causes, Buried Penis Symptoms, Buried Penis Hospital in India, Buried Penis Surgeon in India, Buried Penis Surgery in Delhi, Buried Penis Surgery in Mumbai, Buried Penis Surgery in Chennai, Buried Penis Surgery Cost in India, turtle syndrome, when does baby fat pad go away, pubic fat pad, suspensory ligament release, penoscrotal lymphedema, how to prevent turtling, baby boy circumcision photos, poor skin suspension in child

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